Around 5-6 weeks of age all our puppies are microchipped. The microchip is placed between the front two shoulder blades. We will send your puppy home with a microchip slip, explaining how to register your microchip including your puppies microchip number. We will also send your puppy home with extra microchip stickers that have your puppies microchip number on them and a microchip id tag (kind of like a rabies tag). I don't recommend putting the microchip id tag on the collar (like you would with a rabies tag), it's big, bulky, stiff, it will just be uncomfortable for your puppy. I recommend putting the microchip id tag in your car (glove box or center council) so you have that number on hand incase your puppy were to get out and you weren't home, then you'll have that number on hand. Your microchip will come unregistered. To register, you will be charged a 1-time fee of $26.95. Go to BuddyID.com to register your puppies microchip.
Spruce Lane Doodles
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